Join athletes from around the
world who challenge themselves and push boundaries, transform
their running, and experience that finish-line feeling.

Join the My Alter Athlete community and discover the training processes that have helped athletes achieve their first 5km, to 250km ultramarathon. Come to transform your running. Stay for the long-term progress and daily support.

Imagine the feeling you would get from crossing the finish line of a race you once thought would be an impossible achievement. Imagine doing this over and over again, improving your running and fitness, race after race. Achieve that, and there’s no need to imagine anything; it’s a reality.

All this is possible with the right coaching and training strategy.


You're stuck. Plain and simple.

  • Training for any endurance event is a very demanding process that requires a lot of planning, preparation, decision making, implementation, analysis, patience, discipline, resiliency, determination….the list goes on.

    It’s hard. But that’s why you’re doing it. To challenge yourself, to push boundaries, to achieve the “impossible”.

    Consistency = progress. If you can be consistent with your training on a weekly basis, you could make some incredible progress with your fitness and your ability to achieve all your race goals.

    But right now, you’re unsure of what sessions to program yourself. You don’t know if you should be doing this session or that. You don’t know if you’re doing too much, or not enough. You’ve been feeling tired, you’ve missed a few sessions and now you don’t know if you should start the whole program from the beginning. You’re not making the progress you were hoping for and you wish there was a solution to all your training problems.

    These feelings are the result of 4 things.

  • Decision Fatigue 🧠

    You don’t know what training to program yourself.

    You’ve Googled ‘Marathon Training Plans’ and you’ve been smacked with 42,965,089,931 search results, and you’ve spent the last 3 hours deciding which plan to use, to no avail.

    You don’t know who to trust, or which one fits with your current fitness level. You turn to Instagram and notice that a hair and beauty “influencer” has made their own marathon training plan after they ran a 5km the week before and debate whether or not you should buy theirs (please don’t).

    The fundamental issue is that there are millions of ways to train for a race, and this can be extremely overwhelming, but you should choose the help of someone you trust and believe you would enjoy working with (this may or may not be me).

  • No Guidance 🔦

    You’ve got no one to turn to when you get stuck

    FREE program downloads are great, but when you contact the coach to ask a question about week 4, they ghost you like the world’s worst Tinder date. All great athletes have a team that they rely on for support and guidance. Going it alone and trying to figure it all out for yourself is only going to slow you down.

  • No Patience ⏳

    You want results, and you want them now.

    Unfortunately, in many walks of life, we expect instant gratification for our work. Our phones provide us with any information we want within seconds. Our food can be ordered and on its way within minutes. We post pictures of ourselves on Instagram and wait for the Likes & comments to roll in. We assume every successful person is an overnight success.

    Progress with our fitness is not instant. We have to be patient. With the right strategy, you can completely transform your fitness from where you are right now, to something beyond your imagination in 3 months, 6 months, or one year.

  • No Strategy ♟

    You’re training without a defined plan.

    If you aren’t following a generic online program, you’re liking training on a whim and deciding what sessions to do day-to-day, and that can be mentally draining in itself.

    You’re not really sure why you just ran 10km, or why yesterday’s session was an interval workout. You’re also not sure if you should just run every day until race day. Your training strategy is non-existent. But, get the right strategy, and you could turn your fitness journey around.

(Running & Performance Coach)

  • I've been there.

    Every obstacle you’re facing with training is one that I have experienced myself as an athlete, or one I have met through coaching other athletes around the world.

    From running hard every session, and thinking this was the one and only way to get fast. To never giving myself a rest day and feeling burnt out.

    You might not believe me, but you don’t need to train six days per week to achieve incredible results. And you don’t need to be ‘fit’ to get started. 

    Over the past 6 years, I’ve gone from running my first marathon in Edinburgh (2016) in 4-hours & 41-minutes (the most painful event I’ve completed), to running a sub-3 hour marathon (2020), countless half marathons, 2x Ironman70.3’s, 100km ultramarathons, trail running events, and coaching athletes from across the globe towards races alike.

    Like you, I want to test myself mentally and physically through endurance events. I have a hard time staying within my comfort zone and love the struggle that comes with training for races that challenge my discipline, determination, resiliency and persistence.

    My background isn’t in athletics, or track & field. I’m not a World Champion ultra marathon runner, and I’ve never won gold at the Olympics. I’m an ex-professional footballer from the UK who knows he’s capable of more, and I know you are too.

    You CAN achieve your endurance goals, but you have to be committed and willing to put in the work. We’re on this journey together.

    If you want to challenge yourself on a weekly basis, grow as an athlete, and experience that finish line feeling, I’m eager to coach you every step of the way.


Add structure and purpose to your training. Create consistency. Achieve that finish-line feeling.   

Transforming your running is simple. Start by implementing a well structured training program that ensures every session has it’s purpose. Be consistent with training week after week, with minimal interruption. Crush your running and fitness goals, race after race. Although, you know all too well that this isn’t as easy as it sounds. But think what it would be like if you got it right. If you stayed persistent, disciplined, and dedicated to making it happen. Being able to decide you want to complete your next race, whatever the distance, without a worry in sight, or a doubt in your mind would be bliss. All this is possible with the right coaching, the right strategy, and the right people behind you all the way.

All this is possible if you’re part of the My Alter Athlete community and coaching program, because we want you to win!

Now you understand a little bit more about us, take a moment to ponder this question.

Is your current training strategy helping you achieve your ultimate running goals? 🧐

The MyAlterAthlete coaching program ensures that your answer is an astounding HELL YEAH.


How does it work? 🤔

Online running & strength coaching with My Alter Athlete coach & founder, Greg Pearson. Time to get started.

My Alter Athlete is an online 1:1 coaching program for athletes just like you! Whether you're training for your fifth 100km ultramarathon, or you're looking to complete your first 5km, Greg is behind you and ready to support you on that journey.

Programming via the TrainingPeaks app, weekly video feedback, monthly athlete check-in surveys, 24/7 email support, 1:1 pre-race strategy calls, and more, all to ensure you make progress week after week.

  • Your Training Program 🗓

    All your training at the touch of a button, delivered to you via your very own TrainingPeaks profile.

    I make all the training decisions so that you don't have to. All the specifics of your sessions, the purpose behind them, and when to complete them, all added to your calendar ahead of time so that you know exactly what training you've got, every week.

    All sessions will be synced with your favourite GPS watch. All you have to do is go out and get the work done.

    Need to change anything on your program at any time? No problem, I know life can throw a few curve balls sometimes. Just get in touch and we can adjust your training accordingly.

  • Weekly Video Feedback 📹

    Accountability & performance analysis via Loom video feedback, talking you through your training data from the past 7-days.

    A deep dive into the details of your training with a focus on key training metrics including pacing, heart rate, cadence, elevation, fitness, fatigue, recovery, and more. No stone unturned.

    Greg will be working through all the fine details of training for the specifics of your race, walking you through training, step-by-step.

  • Monthly Athlete Surveys 📋

    Keeping your on track with your training.

    Every month, alongside your weekly video feedback, I'll be sending you an athlete check-in survey to help keep you on top of your training.

    This survey focus' on three key pillars; training, recovery, and mindset. At the end of the survey, you recieve a score for each pillar, outlining areas of focus during our next block of training.

  • 1:1 Pre-Race Strategy Call 📞

    Before every race, we'll be dialling in your pacing and nutrition strategy ready for the big event! This is also your opportunity to ask me any questions about race day and ensure you're feeling great as you reach that start line.

  • 24/7 Email Support 📧

    Any questions, any feedback, send it through. We're with you every step of the way.

    24/7 support via email to ensure you're never left uncertain about anything training or racing related.


What results can I expect? 🏆

Get to your desired goal feeling stronger than you would on your own.

It’s impossible to promise exact results. I’ll leave that to the Instagram gurus.

Think about it this way…If you had me in your corner, removing any decision making process around what the best training strategy is to achieve your goals, keeping you accountable every week, helping you improve your running and all round fitness so that you can achieve your impossible.

Can you see how that would save you time, frustration, and stress?

The crazy thing is, I speak with athletes just like you, who don’t believe they need any support with their training, only to see them fall behind and drop off the training wagon.

They train sporadically month to month without any set structure or purpose. They run each session as if they’re targeting a personal best, and they end up injured or burnt out.

I’ll tell you what I tell anyone who lands in my inbox curious about training for an endurance event.

How do you think you would feel crossing the finish line of your dream event knowing that you’d trained for weeks and months to get to this point, you committed to your health and fitness and you achieved everything you set out to do.

Not only that, think of all the good habits you would have built throughout the process. Sleeping better, eating better, staying well hydrated, improving your training knowledge, improving your mental strength.

Just think how much confidence all that training would give you to go and book your next race and continuing your training and fitness journey.

It’s not just about achieving that one goal. It’s about the process and what that gives you from a mental and physical perspective well beyond the race itself.

Do you believe you can make all your fitness goals a reality? I’ll give you an anaology.

You can’t pay someone to lose weight for you. But a good nutritionist can educate you, provide a strategy, and guide you through obstacles and challenges. My Alter Athlete is much the same. I’m here to help you achieve results and stop you from making critical mistakes.

If you’re ready to dedicate time and effort into becoming a stronger runner, creating life-changing habits, and crushing your running goals, I’m ready to coach you.

My Guarantee to you 🤝

I’m not asking you to make a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ decision right now. I’m asking you to make a full informed decision.

The only way to make that fully informed decision is to be on the inside, not the outside.

Once you sample the My Alter Athlete program, you can see for yourself if what I say is actually true and if it’s what you need to start making progress with your running.

If you get to the end of your first month and it’s not for you, I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Think about it like this. You don’t buy a new house without taking a look inside, and you don’t buy a new car without taking it for a test drive. You sample the goods first.

My Alter Athlete is the same. So whether it’s 30 minutes from now, or 30 days, if you’re not happy, I’m not happy, and I’d prefer to give you your money back.

I’m making this bold guarantee because I’m confident that once you’ve tasted the My Alter Athlete experience, you’ll quickly realise it’s the best decision you’ve made all year.

So, you’ve got two options, both zero risk. Although (crucially), only one has the potential to get you to your goal faster and more efficiently.

👉 Option 1: Make the decision to stay on the outside and keep plugging away alone.

👉 Option 2: Join My Alter Athlete today, risk free. Get 4 weeks of tailored programming, guidance and support, and start making progress with your training.

Then at the end of the 4 weeks you can make an informed decision about whether My Alter Athlete is for you.

After 30 days inside the My Alter Athlete program, if you wouldn’t do anything to stay for another month, I’ll refund every penny. Does that sound fair?

It's time to transform your running

Let's start making progress.

The My Alter Athlete coaching program is here to help you take your running to another level, without feeling like you're doing it alone.

Get the support and accountability you need to achieve your full potential.

✅ All your training programmed via the TrainingPeaks platform
✅ Weekly Loom video feedback (performance analysis & program updates)
✅ Monthly athlete check-ins
✅ 24/7 email support
✅ Pre-race strategy calls
✅ A coach who wants you to WIN!

Are you ready to transform your running?